What does it mean to be a cyborg?

What do you think when you hear the word "cyborg"? Can you imagine a man connected to the latest technology supporting essential life functions? Maybe you think about scenes from the movie "Terminator" in which Arnold Schwarzenegger played the role of a cyborg. Apart from such cases, multiple solutions allow tech-enthusiasts to experience the latest trends, literally, inside-out.
These days, there are many solutions in medicine that often improve the patient's health and even save his life. In addition to implanted devices, the market also uses systems supporting the work of doctors during surgery, e.g., VR technology that helps perform precise procedures and see what cannot be seen with the human eye.
Many new technologies make us feel like human cyborgs, but not all are commercially available. For this reason, a small group of recipients has access to them.
One of these solutions is implants installed under the skin, invisible and almost imperceptible. Facilitating everyday activities, such as a Walletmor payment implant, which in the future will help solve various problems, not only those related to contactless payments. Storing information about the user's illness or the medications taken are some functions that can be accessed via the implants. Many current Walletmor users are already waiting for the introduction of new features, thanks to which they will no longer only pay with their hands for their purchases.
People who have been using an implant for contactless payments so far often encounter various interesting reactions when paying for their purchases with their hands. In addition, they like the feeling that accompanies them then. They define them as being a cyborg. – The more we move closer to the point of creating singularity, the more evolved the human race can become. I strongly believe in cyborgism and transhumanism - says Martin Cico, one of Walletmor's ambassadors.
Users from all over the world share similar observations, waiting for new solutions and proposals that would bring them closer to the world of new technologies. For many, paying with an implant for shopping in a store is a dream come true. – I want to be like a cyborg, get the sixth payment sense, and connect with the electronic machines directly. I want it because it's convenient, super cool, exciting, and having everything in hand sight is purely amazing - emphasizes Aurelien Cocq, another Walletmor ambassador.